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Saturday, January 1, 2011

CITRINE "The Stone Of Success"

Citrine is November’s Birthstone. Citrine stems from the French word, "Citron", or lemon. Citrine is known as the lucky "Merchants Stone". If you are in any type of sales,  just put a citrine in the cash drawer and watch what happens.  Citrine is also called the "stone of the mind".  Ancient cultures believed that placing a citrine on the forehead of an elder would increase his psychic power. It symbolizes joy, wisdom , and peace. Many believe that it motivates writers and enhances creativity. It is said to treat depression and eliminate self-destructive tendencies.This beautiful golden gemstone is very beneficial in financial success, aiding in attracting and maintaing wealth. It is suggested that citrine stones be placed in places where money is active (i.e. cash registers, offices). Citrine also aids in fine-tuning your intuition, ideas and solutions. Citrine is known to fight depression, as it promotes optimism and joy. Wearing citrine gives the wearer confidence and allows the wearer to embrace life.

Citrine brings happiness, joy and optimism into your life. One of only two minerals on the planet which do not hold or accumulate negative energy, but dispels and transforms it.
You don't ever have to cleanse Citrine, because it doesn't hold any negativity! Citrine energizes, and invigorates, promotes warmth, comfort, and energy.
Aids in matters of daily living. It is said citrine will open the mind to new thoughts. Often used by healers to increase self esteem.
* Successful Outcome: Citrine is the best stone to use when trying to "Take care of Business" whether it be accomplish business matters, education, or settle family matters. This includes legal issues and lawsuits when materials or money is involved.

* Light: Citrine is SUN energy - Used during the Middle Ages to treat people whose energy and moods become depressed during the long winter months, or during a long spell of rainy, overcast weather.

* Wealth: The lucky "Merchants Stone". Carry Citrine if you have a lot of material wealth, to help from becoming greedy and too attached to material possessions. Citrine will help you focus more on the giver than the gift.

* Materialism: Although this stone is particularly good for material wealth, prosperity and career success, our value is not determined by what we own, but by WHO we are. Success as a human being goes far beyond a large paycheck. What determines your value to you? I will be very surprised if your answer is simply a large bank account.

* Entrepreneurs: Especially good for people starting a new business!! Supports your material and business SUCCESS in addition to supporting your business plans and successful associations with vendors, partners, and suppliers.

* Relationships: Excellent stone for smoothing family or group problems, cutting to the quick of the situation and speeding up the process.

* Communication: Often carried in the pocket of public speakers, to give courage and strengthen communication skills. It will help you think clearly and bolster your confidence.

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